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Easier Than It Looks

70163 Model Color - British Infantry Napoleonic Wars Paint set
70163 Model Color - British Infantry Napoleonic Wars Paint set
6 590 Ft

70163 Model Color - British Infantry Napoleonic Wars Paint set

8 db-os festék szett, Napóleon-kori angol egyenruhák festéséhez.
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
6 590 Ft
8 db-os festék szett, Napóleon-kori angol egyenruhák festéséhez.

The red coated soldiers of British Infantry formed the only force able to withstand the might of the French Army of the Napoleonic Wars. Fighting from Portugal through to Belgium, the British army and her allies finally brought the might of Napoleon’s France to its end at the Battle of Waterloo.The devastating massed volleys unleashed by the well disciplined British regimental lines proved a match for the French army on many European battlefields. Contains 8 Model Color in bottles of 17 ml. / 0.57 fl. oz.