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Easier Than It Looks

70164 Model Color - French Infantry Napoleonic Wars Paint set
70164 Model Color - French Infantry Napoleonic Wars Paint set
6 590 Ft

70164 Model Color - French Infantry Napoleonic Wars Paint set

8 db-os festék szett, Napóleon-kori francia egyenruhák festéséhez.
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
6 590 Ft
8 db-os festék szett, Napóleon-kori francia egyenruhák festéséhez.

The French armies, led by Napoleon, dominated Europe through the early 19th century. The all conquering French line infantry ‘Les Bleus’ used a combination of massed columns, fast manoeuvre, and firepower to shatter the armies of Prussia, Austria, Spain and Russia, culminating in a death struggle against Wellington and Blucher’s alliance at Waterloo in 1815. Well led and confident of victory, the average French soldier swept almost all foes before them. Contains 8 Model Color in bottles of 17 ml. / 0.57 fl. oz.