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Easier Than It Looks

70208 Model Color - Desert British & German Armour & Infantry Paint set
70208 Model Color - Desert British & German Armour & Infantry Paint set
4 940 Ft

70208 Model Color - Desert British & German Armour & Infantry Paint set

6 x 17ml festék Sivatagi német és brit járművekhez és gyalogsághoz
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
4 940 Ft

6 db-os festék szett, figurák és járművek festéséhez.

This set, together with the Utility Paint Set, contains all the colors used for the painting of British and German desert Army vehicles and infantry.

6 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Model Color

70.847 Dark Sand
70.819 Iraqi Sand
70.879 Green Brown
70.881 Green Yellow
70.988 Khaki
70.884 Stone Grey
