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Easier Than It Looks

70220 Model Color - American Armour & Infantry Paint set
70220 Model Color - American Armour & Infantry Paint set
6 590 Ft

70220 Model Color - American Armour & Infantry Paint set

8 x 17ml festék amerikai járművekhez és gyalogsághoz
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
6 590 Ft

8 db-os festék szett, figurák és járművek festéséhez.

This paint set, when combined with the Utility Paint Set, contains all the colors needed to paint your American army, infantry and aircraft.

8 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Model Color

70.847 Dark Sand
70.988 Khaki
70.873 US Field Drab
70.983 Flat Earth
70.889 Olive Brown
70.893 US Dark Green
70.890 Refractive Green
70.862 Black Grey
