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Easier Than It Looks

70223 Model Color - NATO Armour & Infantry Paint set
70223 Model Color - NATO Armour & Infantry Paint set
4 940 Ft

70223 Model Color - NATO Armour & Infantry Paint set

6 x 17ml festék NATO 3 járművekhez és gyalogsághoz
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
4 940 Ft

6 db-os festék szett, figurák és járművek festéséhez.

This paint set, when combined with the Utility Paint Set, provides the specialist colors needed to paint your West German or French vehicles in the traditional NATO 3-colour pattern, as well as your infantry in their olive grey uniforms.

6 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Model Color

70.830 German Fieldgrey WWII
70.888 Olive Grey
70.890 Refractive Green
70.887 US Olive Drab
70.983 Flat Earth
70.862 Black Grey
