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Easier Than It Looks

Alpha Unit (Light Shotgun)
Alpha Unit (Light Shotgun)
7 840 Ft

Alpha Unit (Light Shotgun)

2 db fém figura Infinity O-12 frakcióhoz.
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
7 840 Ft
Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - fém

The Alphas would provide rearguard security and strategic command capabilities in Bureau Aegis operations, but they would also be appointed as consultants in inter-agency actions with other powers, and they would act in direct contact with the community, providing solutions and, if necessary, eliminating the problem that had led to their deployment by themselves.

If you are looking for a good Lieutenant option or a troop to cover your back in case of Loss of Lieutenant, the Alpha unit is undoubtedly one of the best options within the O-12 army thanks to its Strategos L2 or Chain of Command options, and a neat complement to your Operation: Wildfire Battle Pack.
