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Easier Than It Looks

Datasheet Cards: Orks

Datasheet Cards: Orks
Datasheet Cards: Orks
Különböző szabályokat tartalmazó, angol nyelvű kártyák Warhammer 40 000 Orks sereghez.
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7 890 Ft 
3 990 Ft
Kezdete: 2024.12.04   A készlet erejéig!
Kedvezmény: 49
Megtakarítás 3 900 Ft
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Társasjáték kiegészítő kártyapaklik

Orks go to war with a huge variety of weapons and wargear, loads of bone-rattling war engines of belching smoke, and roaring beasts. No two Ork forces are alike, but all are utterly deadly in their own way.

This set of 55 cards will help you keep track of your Ork mobs in your games, with individual datasheets for every unit – detailing their profiles, wargear, options, and special abilities. You'll also find a reference card for the Orks army rule and special datasheet cards for use in Combat Patrol games.

- 1x Army Rule Card
- 51x Orks Datasheet Cards
- 3x Combat Patrol Datasheet Cards

All cards measure 161.5mm by 107.1mm, and feature a metallic light green edge.

You'll need a copy of Codex: Orks, which is available separately, to make full use of these cards.