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Easier Than It Looks

Dweghom: Hellbringer Sorcerer
Dweghom: Hellbringer Sorcerer
8 590 Ft

Dweghom: Hellbringer Sorcerer

Dweghom: Hellbringer Sorcerer
Dweghom: Hellbringer Sorcerer
1 db műgyanta figura Conquest Dweghom frakciójához. Kiegészítő a Hellbringer Drake figurához.
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
8 590 Ft

Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.


When the Dweghom turned on their creators it was their affinity for sorcery and metallurgy that allowed them to create weaponry capable of threatening even creatures as mighty as the Dragons. Hellbringer Socerers are the custodians of this ancient craft and even to this day ride the debased descendants of their ancestral enemies, ready to rain down hell on their unsuspecting opponents.

Box Contents

●    1 Resin Character Miniature
●    1 Infantry Plastic Base
