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Easier Than It Looks

Hundred Kingdoms: Noble Lord - Alt Sculpt
Hundred Kingdoms: Noble Lord - Alt Sculpt
8 590 Ft

Hundred Kingdoms: Noble Lord - Alt Sculpt

1 db műgyanta figura Conquest Hundred Kingdoms frakcióhoz. Előrendelhető, megjelenik augusztusban.

Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
8 590 Ft

Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.


The prestigious martial tradition of the Hundred Kingdoms demands leaders whose people believe in, whose training and experience foster confidence and whose skill demands admiration. A Noble Lord who issues orders can reasonably expect his men to storm the battlement, one that leads from the front knows his men would brave the gates of hell.

Box Contents

  • 1 Plastic Miniature 
  • 1 Base 
  • 1 Command Card