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Easier Than It Looks

Kill Team: Blooded
Kill Team: Blooded
19 890 Ft

Kill Team: Blooded

12 db, több részből álló műanyag figura, Warhammer 40 000 Chaos Space Marines sereghez.
Raktáron, szállítás 1-2 munkanap
19 890 Ft

Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.


Once soldiers of the Astra Militarum, these brutal killers have rebelled against the Imperium, heeding the promises of power offered by the Chaos Gods. The deadliest veterans of the Traitor Guard are known as the Blooded, and put their training and equipment to terrible use, fighting against those who were once their allies. Often pressed into service in the armies of the Chaos Space Marines, the Blooded are all too eager to claim dark glory on far-flung killzones or warp-marked battlefields.

This multipart plastic kit allows you to build 10 Traitor Guard, plus a Traitor Enforcer and his Traitor Ogryn. These miniatures can be used as Blooded operatives in games of Kill Team, or fielded with Chaos Space Marines armies in games of Warhammer 40,000. This kit includes a huge variety of weapons, heads, and accessories, allowing you to assemble a truly unique squad of ragged rebels and build Traitor Troopers as specialists for your Kill Team – such as the Sharpshooter, Brimstone Grenadier, Trench Sweeper, and more.

This set comprises 151 plastic components and is supplied with 10x Citadel 25mm Round Base, 1x Citadel 32mm Round Base, and 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.

Kill Team csapat