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Easier Than It Looks

Masterclass: Drybrush Set
Masterclass: Drybrush Set
6 740 Ft

Masterclass: Drybrush Set

3 darabos, speciális ecsetkészlet száraz ecset technikához.
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
6 740 Ft
Makettek építéséhez szükséges kéziszerszám, kiegészítő

These spectacular and highly specialised drybrushes give ultra-realistic results and very smooth coverage - revealing every detail of your miniature with ease. The brushes are versatile and can be used for both large models, terrain, and vehicles as well as any normal-sized model. The results and effects, you get with these Masterclass Drybrushes, far surpass that of any normal drybrush.