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Easier Than It Looks

Morat Fireteam Pack
Morat Fireteam Pack
17 140 Ft

Morat Fireteam Pack

Morat Fireteam Pack
Morat Fireteam Pack
Morat Fireteam Pack
Morat Fireteam Pack
Morat Fireteam Pack
Morat Fireteam Pack

4 db fém figura Infinity Combined Army frakcióhoz.

Megjelenik 2022.09.30.-án.

Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
17 140 Ft

Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - fém


Morat are tenacious during battle and prove to be highly skilled at urban and jungle combat. Brutality, and a yearning for violence which is impregnated into their nature, means they are exceptional assault troops and this sets them apart from the other soldiers that make up the Combined Army.

This box includes 4 miniatures: 1 Suryat with Heavy Rocket Launcher, 1 Suryat with HMG, 1 Kurgat with Boarding Shotgun, and one TinBot. The perfect box to provide a powerful Fireteam to your Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack.
