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Easier Than It Looks

Repentia Squad
Repentia Squad
15 990 Ft

Repentia Squad

10 db, több részből álló, műanyag figura Warhammer 40 000 Adepta Sororitas sereghez.
Rendelhető, szállítás 5-42 munkanap
15 990 Ft
Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.

Sororitas who fall short of the Sisterhood's stringent codes of service are stripped of their wargear and cast out from the Order in which they served. Known as Repentia, they are banded together with others who have fallen from grace, and in these squads they are given the opportunity to wash away their sins with the blood of the faithless. It is possible for a Repentia to redeem herself through deeds of great bravery and butchery – Celestine, The Living Saint, was once a Repentia. 

The kit builds nine Repentia armed with penitent eviscerators. Each body has a choice of two sets of arms for added variety. The Repentia Superior wields a pair of neural whips – one coiled and the other mid-lash – though one can instead be swapped for a holy tome. Repentia Superior can also be assembled with a choice of two heads (either with or without helmet).

This set is supplied in 95 plastic components and contains 1x Citadel 32mm Round Base and 10x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases.
