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Easier Than It Looks

Synthetic Drybrush - Small
Synthetic Drybrush - Small
2 090 Ft

Synthetic Drybrush - Small

Új szintetikus ecsetek a Games Workshoptól.
Raktáron, szállítás 1-2 munkanap
2 090 Ft

Makettező festékekhez ajánlott minőségi ecset.

Quickly adding definition to small nooks and crannies can be a real pain in the rear armour. Luckily, the S Dry brush is designed specifically to reach into tight spaces and pick out all the wires, ridges, and other assorted details so you might need, letting you quickly get your smallest miniatures up to a Parade Ready standard.

As a Citadel STC brush, the bristles have been made out of the finest 100% synthetic fibres Games Workshop have ever produced, helping to maintain the ideal brush shape and prevent curling at the tip. This brush has been carefully designed to easily add raised detail to the smallest parts of your models. It's an excellent companion to regular Citadel brushes, designed to work perfectly with the Citadel Colour paint range.
